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Jen Psaki stated that President Biden's approach to Israel is clearly not effective and needs to change

Jen Psaki criticized the Biden administration’s policy on Israel on Thursday and declared it is time for a change.

Jen Psaki criticized the Biden administration’s policy on Israel on Thursday and declared it is time for a change.

The former White House press secretary appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and discussed a report suggesting that President Joe Biden has privately expressed outrage over the deaths of civilians in Gaza. Seven aid workers were killed this week in an IDF strike, leading to growing calls for a ceasefire and reforms to Israel’s approach to eliminating Hamas. The president will reportedly not be changing his Israel policy despite his objections to Israel’s conduct.

Psaki theorized plenty of talks are being had in the White House about what “leverage” the United States can use to bring an end to the war and change Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s behavior.

The current strategy, she said, is not working to end the war.

“Clearly the strategy that the United States is implementing at this point is not working to change the behavior of Prime Minister Netanyahu, it is not working to end the war. So obviously, something has to change. And I think it’s pretty clear, they’re discussing that I think, in the White House, and I hope in the White House, in this situation, or at this point in time, the question is what that will be,” Psaki said. “And there’s a number of allies of President Biden’s in the Senate, Democratic senators and others, who have been pretty outspoken about the need for conditioning aid, at least as a consideration. That’s obviously something that is being considered, should be considered.”

The aid workers killed in a strike were working for World Central Kitchen, which has provided tens of millions of hot meals inside of Gaza. Founder José Andrés suggested the aid workers were deliberately targeted.

Biden is facing growing criticism from Democrats over his approach to Israel. Former Barack Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau said reports about the president being privately outraged, but not changing policy make him look “weak.”

Biden has also faced protest votes in Democratic primaries in swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan. In Michigan, more than 100,000 voted “uncommitted” in the primary as an objection to the president’s Israel policies.

Watch above via MSNBC.

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