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University of Texas Group Announces “Catch An Illegal Immigrant” Game

A group of University of Texas (UT) students announced today that it plans to host a “Catch An Illegal Immigrant” game on the school’s campus on Wednesday.

A group of University of Texas (UT) students announced today that it plans to host a “Catch An Illegal Immigrant” game on the school’s campus on Wednesday. The group — Young Conservatives of Texas-UT Chapter (YCTUT) — released details of the event on its Facebook page this morning.

“The details of the game goes as follows,” states the Facebook update. “There will be several people walking around the UT campus with the label ‘illegal immigrant’ on their clothing. Any UT student who catches one of these ‘illegal immigrants’ and brings them back to our table will receive a $25 gift card.”

“The purpose of this event is to spark a campus-wide discussion about the issue of illegal immigration, and how it affects our everyday lives,” the description concludes.

As of 1:10 p.m. EST today, over 40 people — many of whom appear to be Hispanic — had indicated they would attend the event. A press release announcing the “Catch An Illegal Immigrant” listed Lorenzo V. Garcia, the chairmain of YCTUT, as the main point of contact for press inquiries.

YCTUT Facebook

Blowback against the event was swift, with numerous people posting criticism of the event on the group’s Facebook page.

“This is not what Conservatives/Republicans stand for,” wrote a conservative dissenter. “You are giving the Conservative ideology and Republican party such a bad representation. I just hope people don’t judge the ideology and party as a whole for this mistake.”

“Anyone (especially left wingers) who thinks this is what Conservatives/Republicans stand for probably don’t have the slightest clue what they are talking about,” wrote another.

Some opponents of the event called for the expulsion of the students involved.

“Call UT ask for the President the dean is out today apparently,” one protester wrote in multiple comment threads on the group’s Facebook page. “The University assures me they are putting an end to this bigotry and hatred created by their student Lorenzo, I have asked them to expell him as well. Please call and do the same.”

According to the YCTUT press release, the “Catch An Illegal Immigrant” game will take place from noon to 3:00 p.m. CST on Wednesday at the UT West Mall.

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