Biden HHS changes the definition of 'lawfully present' to provide free health care to undocumented immigrants
The final rule provides health benefits to foreign lawbreakers, but is carefully written to avoid the risk of legal challenges.
America is not as strong as it used to be because it lacks a shared culture and history
Motivated by a lack of respect for America’s history, the left aims to erase it by welcoming migrants who have no ties to our past and no desire to adopt it.
America is not the first empire that failed because of open borders
Similar to past empires, we have lost our cultural certainty and foundations, raising the danger of being overwhelmed by new arrivals.
Just like the Democrats and Joe Biden, Mike Johnson is in favor of keeping the Southern border open
House Speaker Mike Johnson supported shutting down the Southern border until it got in the way of his real priorities: sending money abroad.
Nothing Is More “Conservative” Than Birthright Citizenship
Eliminating birthright citizenship means overthrowing the Constitution and the thousand-year history of English common law.
Trump’s Immigration Plan Is Hardcore Porn For Nativists
Donald Trump’s immigration plan and his support for mass deportation are as ludicrous as they are destructive.
Trump’s Plan To End Birthright Citizenship Isn’t That Crazy
It’s not insane. It’s not stupid. It’s about principles of sovereignty, rule of law, and ordered immigration.
Republicans And The Politics of Birthright Citizenship
The politics of opposition to birthright citizenship do not benefit Republicans and its repeal is not achievable as policy. So why are they embracing it?
Donald Trump on Immigration: Same Anti-Immigration Ideas, New Salesman
Donald Trump’s position paper on immigration is full of old anti-immigration arguments that have been repeated and rebutted numerous times.