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Green Party's second-in-command sent to prison for protests over old trees at Fairy Creek

Angela Davidson was convicted in January of seven counts of criminal contempt for breaking a court order and later violating her bail conditions.

The Green Party is criticizing the 60-day jail term given to its deputy leader today for her involvement in protests against logging of old trees on Vancouver Island.

Angela Davidson, also known as Rainbow Eyes, was found guilty in January of seven charges of criminal contempt for breaking a court order and later violating her bail terms.

In May 2021, Davidson was initially arrested for defying a court order obtained by Teal Cedar Products, which had permission to log in the Fairy Creek watershed, including the old trees.

She was subsequently arrested six more times, including for returning to the area when she was not supposed to and for disobeying house arrest.

Fairy Creek is located about 120 kilometers west of Victoria on the south coast of Vancouver Island.

Davidson will serve 48 days in prison after receiving credit for 12 days already served, and she is also required to complete 75 hours of community service.

After her conviction, Davidson was appointed as the deputy leader in February.

Green Leader Elizabeth May expressed the party's support for their courageous deputy leader Rainbow Eyes, who is losing her freedom for trying to protect the old trees that the provincial government had promised to safeguard from logging but failed to do so.

May suggested that court orders prioritize corporate profits over public welfare.

More than 1,000 individuals have been arrested during the ongoing protests at Fairy Creek.

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