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We apologize, Uncle Bosie: Biden's recent trip into memory lane is quite a noteworthy one due to his memory issues

Biden’s falsehood about his war hero uncle being consumed by cannibals reveals bigger problems than his long-standing issue with the truth.

While Speaker Mike Johnson and the House were cannibalizing border security, President Joe Biden was once again demonstrating that he should be in a dementia care facility, not leading the United States of America.

The story of Uncle Bosie, the war hero experiencing a series of unfortunate events, would be comically absurd if it weren't so heartbreaking. The media couldn't overlook it.

Biden reminisced about his Uncle Ambrose Finnegan at a war memorial near his Pennsylvania hometown, once again revealing his delusions. Biden recounted the story of his Uncle Bosie, a reconnaissance pilot in World War II who bravely volunteered for a mission over Papua New Guinea. Uncle Ambrose Finnegan (“Uncle Bosie” to old Joe) was a reconnaissance pilot in World War II who, according to Biden, gallantly volunteered for a mission over Papua New Guinea.

He never returned. His plane went down in the Pacific Ocean. To make matters worse, the President suggested that he ended up as the main course of some natives. Cannibals ate Uncle Bosie!

“He flew single-engine planes, reconnaissance flights over New Guinea. He had volunteered because someone couldn’t make it. He got shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals in New Guinea at the time,” Biden said. “They never recovered his body.”

Now we know why the president canceled his trip to Papua New Guinea last May. The White House claimed he needed to get back to wrap up discussions with congressional leaders on a deal to raise the debt ceiling. I think Biden was worried about going out like Uncle Bosie.

Not Just Any White Man Falling from the Sky

Except, like so many of lying Biden’s tall tales, the story isn’t true. It’s apparently so untrue that the White House had to correct the record.

Uncle Bosie and his plane did go down in the Pacific Ocean, but the cannibal stuff is a load of crap. There’s nothing in the official military records about the service member being shot down or being eaten, points USA Today had to concede in a ludicrously headlined article asking, “Was Biden’s uncle eaten by cannibals near New Guinea in World War II?

In fact, the people of Papua New Guinea are reportedly pretty annoyed about the insinuation.

“Joe Biden’s suggestion that his uncle may have been eaten by cannibals in Papua New Guinea during world war two has been met with a mixture of bemusement and criticism in the country,” the leftist Guardian reported. 

Michael Kabuni, a lecturer in political science at the University of Papua New Guinea, told the publication that Melanesians, the indigenous people of the Oceania nation “are a very proud people,” and “would find this kind of categorisation very offensive.

That’s not because of the reference to cannibalism, he said. That indeed was part of the native culture, if you will, at one time.

“But taking it out of context, and implying that your [uncle] jumps out of the plane and somehow we think it’s a good meal is unacceptable,” Kabuni said.

The scholar suggested the practice was more of a kind of compassionate cannibalism. A deceased relative, for instance, might be consumed to keep the body from decomposing.

“Kabuni told The Guardian that there was a reason behind it. They wouldn’t just consume any white men who fell from the sky.”

‘A Moment Full of Emotion’

The White House also argues that there’s a reason for Biden’s latest falsehood. He was simply caught up in a moment full of emotion when he implied that Uncle Bosie was someone’s dinner.

“The president had a moment full of emotion and, I believe, a symbolic moment. He had the opportunity as president to honor his uncle’s service in uniform,” said White House Lie Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

Furthermore, Jean-Pierre scolded Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy urged that we should not “crack jokes” about the Uncle Bosie story. Doocy had inquired why Biden insinuated that his uncle had been eaten.

“Your last line is meant for a laugh, for a humorous statement. And he takes this very seriously. His uncle who served and protected his country lost his life and that should matter,” the ultimate parody of a press secretary sneered. 

In other words, How dare you highlight what everyone knows, that this president is full of nonsense. 

What’s most notable is that Biden injected his peculiar Uncle Bosie story while repeating the left’s falsehood that his opponent, former President Donald Trump, had once referred to World War II veterans as “suckers and losers.” As The Federalist’s Biden lie tracker notes, “The lie, published by The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, was disproved by nearly two dozen Trump White House officials.

A Regrettable Situation

Once again, it’s so much more than the exaggerations, the truth-stretching, and the outright lies. This Uncle Bosie tale is merely the most recent in a list of incidents that expose a harsh truth: The United States’ 81-year-old president is a senile old man.

We have all observed Biden greet no one, his stumbling, his mumbling, and his complete confusion on the national and international stage. Remember, Biden avoided charges in his mishandling of classified documents because he suffers from a “severely limited” memory, according to the special prosecutor.

While his doctor may have been willing to give the president a clean bill of health, other physicians, including a doctor who served former presidents, are much more concerned.

“You’ve got cognitive decline right in front of our eyes. It’s very obvious how he’s performing today versus, say, five years ago, and it’s sad, really,” expressed Marty Makary, a Johns Hopkins University professor and surgeon. Fox News. 

It’s regrettable for the country, for the world, for the obviously impaired old man that cynical leftists shamelessly continue to support for their selfish purposes. It’s even worse than what Biden thinks happened to poor Uncle Bosie.

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