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'Condemn Israel': Pro-Palestine Guest Shouts Down TalkTV Host Julia Hartley-Brewer

Pro-Palestine activist and former trade union boss Steve Hedley wouldn’t give TalkTV host Julia Hartley-Brewer a second during his appearance on her show Thursday as he repeatedly demanded she condemn Israel’s actions in Gaza. Hedley was on the show to

Pro-Palestine advocate and former labor union leader Steve Hedley wouldn't let TalkTV host Julia Hartley-Brewer speak during his appearance on her show Thursday as he repeatedly insisted she denounce Israel's actions in Gaza. Civility quickly deteriorated after the two debated whether Israel was committing genocide in Gaza until Hedley accused Hartley-Brewer of being a “perpetrator of genocide” and a “genocide enabler.” Hartley-Brewer replied: “I haven't been called that before. I've been labeled so many things in the last six months. I'm now a perpetrator of genocide.” Hedley claimed: “You're a paid liar.”

The host responded: “I'm a paid liar. Anyway, shall we have a conversation? I refute, based on fact, the use of the word genocide.”

Hedley interrupted: “How many dead children can you stomach?”

The host retorted: “How many dead Jewish children can you stomach from Hamas?”

Hedley replied: “None, absolutely none, because I don't support Hamas.”

“Don't you?” Hartley-Brewer responded.

'No, I do not justify genocide. No,” said Hedley. “But you obviously support the killing of Palestinian children. Go on, condemn it then.'

As the host attempted to explain her position, Hedley persistently repeated his demand: “Condemn the killing of Palestinian children. Condemn Israel!”

'Stop shouting at me!' Hartley-Brewer said, as her guest continued to shout. 'If you stop talking for a nano-second, I will finish a sentence.'

Hedley did not stop: “Condemn Israel!”

'Steve, shut up! You're a rude, bullying man. I always say deaths of any civilian is a tragedy.'

It wasn't the end, the segment continued along this back and forth for several more minutes.

'Condemn the Israeli government,' Hedley said. 'They’re fascists in the government.'

The host replied: 'I'm not condemning the Israeli government. They're not fascists in the government. This isn't a conversation. This is you just barking things at me.'

Watch above on TalkTV.

Pro-Palestine advocate and former labor union leader Steve Hedley wouldn't let TalkTV host Julia Hartley-Brewer speak during his appearance on her show Thursday as he repeatedly demanded she condemn Israel's actions in Gaza. Hedley was on the show to discuss a letter to the government signed by former Supreme Court justices and hundreds of legal experts, advising that the UK’s sale of weapons to Israel may break international law.

“Condemn the Israeli regime,” Hedley said. They’re fascists in the government.”

The host replied: “I’m not condemning the Israeli regime. They’re not a fascist in the government. This isn’t a conversation. This is you just barking things at me.”

Watch above on TalkTV.

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