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Jesse Watters’s Second Book Hits #1 On New York Times Best-Seller List

Watters’s book, published by Broadside Books, was promoted as the outspoken conservative host taking on “Wokeism in a way no one else has.

Jesse Watters

Fox News host Jesse Watters topped the sales chart last week on The New York Times non-fiction best-seller list. The opinion host also leads the two most-watched shows on cable news: The Five and Jesse Watters Primetime.

Watters’s book titled, “Get It Together: Troubling Tales from the Liberal Fringe,” went on sale on March 19th and sold about 31,200 copies in its first week. Watters displaced Breitbart editor Peter Schweizer, whose book titled “Blood Money,” topped the nonfiction list last week.

Watters’s book, published by Broadside Books, was advertised as the outspoken conservative host addressing “Wokeism in a way no one else has.”

The promotional material for the book stated,“Through a series of (sometimes very) personal interviews with some of the most radical activists in the country, Watters discovers that these activists may be overlooking the most important change they need to make—within themselves.”

Watters first gained attention on cable news by conducting “man on the street” interviews for then-Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, which often involved Watters talking to people on the far left. After becoming a co-host on The Five in 2017, Watters was given his own prime time show in 2022, which eventually took over Tucker Carlon’s prime time slot at 8 pm in 2023.

Watters’s first book, “How I Saved the World,” was also a number one New York Times best-seller.

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