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'Bobby Kennedy Might Hurt Trump': James Carville Says RFK Jr. Likely to Siphon More Votes from Ex-President Than Biden

Democratic strategist James Carville predicted on Thursday that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will siphon more votes from Trump than President Joe Biden in 2024.

Democratic strategist James Carville predicted on Thursday that independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will siphon more votes from former President Donald Trump than President Joe Biden in 2024.

During an appearance on MSNBC’s The Beat with Ari Melber, Carville told host Ari Melber, 'I actually think Bobby Kennedy might hurt Trump more than he hurts Biden.'

'I think there’s a certain percent of people in our country that are just like, 'Just F the whole thing,' and Biden is not gonna get any of the 'F it all' vote, okay?' before adding, 'Now what worries me is Cornel West and Jill Stein ' because they’re going to get some of the 'F it all' vote, too.'

'Carville then launched into an impression of West before observing, 'He’s got some charm that Jill Stein never had, but he’s– you know, I don’t see him getting a whole lot of votes, but I see the possibility that he’s going to take something out of our hide.'

'Carville warned that the biggest threat to Democrats in 2024 could be the centrist political organization No Labels.'

'The big question is No Labels,' he concluded. 'I think No Labels, with certain candidates, would help Donald Trump pretty clearly.'

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) took a different view on Kennedy during an interview with Newsmax host Eric Bolling on Wednesday, predicting that Kennedy’s campaign would 'bleed votes from the Democrats' to Trump’s advantage.

'Having that third party candidate on the ballot, no matter the choice for vice president, is gonna bleed votes from the Democrats,' said Scott, who described Kennedy’s running mate Nicole Shanahan as a 'dyed-in-the-wool liberal' who wants 'a redistribution of wealth.'

Watch above via MSNBC.

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