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The Top 20 Most Popular Stories Of 2014

Here are the 20 most popular posts from The Federalist in 2014. Happy New Year!

With the new year almost upon us, we thought we’d take a moment to briefly look back at our biggest and most popular stories of 2014 here at The Federalist. We’ve been counting down our top 20 most popular stories of 2014 on Twitter, but wanted to give our readers a full list of and links to the most popular stories of the year.

Happy New Year!

20. 6 Stupid Arguments About Hobby Lobby From Dumb Liberals

19. Feminism Or Sexism? Depends. Is It Beyonce’s VMAs or Vergara’s Emmys?

18. Did Neil deGrasse Tyson Just Try To Justify Blatant Quote Fabrication?

17. Top Ten Things Parents Hate About Common Core

16. It’s Time To Push Back Against Feminist Bullies

15. Stop Pretending Sex Never Hurts

14. Another Day, Another Quote Fabricated By Neil deGrasse Tyson

13. Dear Media: This Elizabeth Lauten Nonsense Is Why Everybody Hates You

12. The Top Ten Books People Lie About Reading

11. Fact: Tangled Is A Far Better Movie Than Frozen

10. Five Things Neil deGrasse Tyson’s “Cosmos” Gets Wrong

9. Hands Up, Don’t Choke: Eric Garner Was Killed By Police For No Reason

8. Brain Cancer Will Likely Kill Me, But There’s No Way I’ll Kill Myself

7. Why Is Wikipedia Deleting All References To Neil Tyson’s Fabrication?

6. 3 Reasons President Obama Is Wrong About Stay-At-Home Mothers

5. Trouble In Transtopia: Murmurs Of Sex Change Regret

4. Top 10 Ridiculous Responses Regarding My Third Pregnancy

3. Five False Perceptions About The Hobby Lobby Case

2. The Osteens’ Donald Sterling Moment

1. The Death Of Expertise

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