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David Cameron criticizes the BBC live on air for not labeling Hamas as 'terrorists,' pointing out their actions like kidnapping babies and shooting children as evidence

United Kingdom Foreign Secretary David Cameron urged the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) for not describing Hamas a terrorist organization.

United Kingdom Foreign Secretary David Cameron urged the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to stop avoiding referring to Hamas as a terrorist organization.

During a Sunday interview with BBC anchor Laura Kuenssberg, Cameron urged the network to reevaluate how they label Hamas, after the release of a video showing British-Israeli hostage Nadav Popplewell with a black eye. Hamas later claimed that Popplewell died in an Israeli airstrike.

Cameron noted that he has spoken with Popplewel’s family before calling Hamas’ actions “inhumane” and “dreadful.” Before becoming the country’s foreign secretary, Cameron served as the British prime minister from 2010-2016.

Watch his comments below:

He added, “Like everyone else, I watched the video on Twitter, X, last night, put out by Hamas of Nadav answering a question as to who he was. And I watched that video and you just think, what callous people they are to do that, to play with the family’s emotions in that way.”

When you see what Hamas are prepared to do, you just realize, the terrible, dreadful, inhuman people, frankly, that we are dealing with. And maybe it’s a moment, actually, for the BBC to ask itself again, should we describe these people as terrorists? They are terrorists. If you kidnap grandmothers, you kidnap babies, you rape people, you shoot children in front of their parents. What more do they need to do for the BBC to say, look, these are terrorists. They really are.

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