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CNN’s Jennings and Axelrod Clash Over Biden Holding Back Israel Aid Same as Trump’s Ukraine Aid Impeachment

Things became tense on the impromptu set of Outfront with Erin Burnett, but it’s not because the panelists were required to sit very close to each other.

Things became a little tense on the impromptu outdoor stage of Outfront with Erin Burnett, but it’s not because the panelists were required to sit very close to each other.

The problem at hand was President Joe Biden’s controversial remarks to Erin Burnett on Wednesday, where he threatened not to give military aid to Israel if they were to enter the town of Rafah to look for Hamas terrorists who were responsible for the events of October 7th.

Longtime Republican strategist Scott Jennings started by saying, “Republicans in Congress are going to be very angry.” He then directly compared Biden’s threat to withhold military aid to an ally to former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment after he asked Ukrainian President Volydymr Zelenksy asking for political information on Biden in exchange for congressionally approved military aid.

“This is congressionally authorized military aid to our ally, and he is withholding it for political purposes,” Jennings concluded, to which longtime Democratic strategist David Axelrod could not accept, saying, “The comparison just isn’t accurate.”

Scott Jennings: Republicans in Congress are going to be livid about this issue….

David Axelrod:  They think they have a good issue. Well, I get it. I think they think that, you know, at least the president of the United States, they’re just politicians trying to take advantage of the situation. 

Scott Jennings: I think they support our ally. And maybe he doesn’t. They’re going to recall a time when we impeached the president of the United States, for withholding military aid authorized by Congress from Ukraine, $400 million. That was the basis of the impeachment. This is congressionally authorized military aid to our ally, and he is withholding it for political purposes.

David Axelrod:  So, wait, one second, I’m sorry, it’s your show. The basis of that impeachment was that the president of the United States called, the president of Ukraine, and he said, ‘I need. I want you to do me a favor, an open investigation on the person who I think may be my opponent in the next election.’ That was the basis of the impeachment.

Scott Jennings:  And he wants Israel to stand down on Raffa because his base is mad at him. What’s I mean, it’s a political reason.

David Axelrod:  Scott, the analogy just doesn’t hold.

Watch above via CNN.

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