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Galactic Wonders: Hubble Explores a Supernova Factory

Located 240 million light-years away, UGC 9684 is recognized for its regular production of supernovae and new stars, earning the spotlight in recent Hubble observations…

Spiral Galaxy UGC 9684

The Hubble Space Telescope captured an image of the spiral galaxy UGC 9684, which is in the Boötes constellation, displaying features like a central bar and surrounding halo. It became prominent because of a 2020 supernova and is known for frequent supernova events and active star formation, attracting astronomers' attention. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, C. Kilpatrick

UGC 9684, located 240 million light-years away, is famous for regularly producing supernovae and new stars. It was recently highlighted in Hubble observations due to its dynamic characteristics and significance in astronomical studies.

The celestial object featured in this week’s Hubble Picture of the Week is the spiral galaxy UGC 9684, situated around 240 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Boötes. This image displays classic galactic features, such as a clear bar in the galaxy’s center, and a halo surrounding its disc.

This Hubble image was prompted by a study of the host galaxies of Type-II supernovae. These dramatic stellar explosions occur throughout the Universe and are of great interest to astronomers. Automated surveys scan the night sky in an attempt to observe them. The supernova that drew attention to UGC 9684 occurred in 2020 and has faded from view in this image, captured in 2023. Interestingly, the 2020 supernova in this galaxy is not the only one observed there — four supernova-like events have been seen in UGC 9684 since 2006, making it one of the most active supernova-producing galaxies. UGC 9684 is a highly active star-forming galaxy, estimated to produce one solar mass worth of stars every few years. This high level of stellar formation makes UGC 9684 a significant supernova factory and a galaxy of interest for astronomers studying these exceptional occurrences. Located 240 million light-years away, UGC 9684 is recognized for regularly producing supernovae and new stars, earning attention in recent Hubble observations…

Remarkably, the 2020 supernova in this galaxy isn’t the only one that’s been seen there — four supernova-like events have been spotted in UGC 9684 since 2006, putting it up there with the most active supernova-producing galaxies. It turns out that UGC 9684 is a quite active star-forming galaxy, calculated as producing one solar mass worth of stars every few years! This level of stellar formation makes UGC 9684 a veritable supernova factory, and a galaxy to watch for astronomers hoping to examine these exceptional events.

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