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The Biden Administration's revision of Title IX eliminates female-only areas, freedom of speech, and fair treatment

The rules undo Trump-era safeguards for those accused of sexual misconduct and encroach on parents’ rights.

The Department of Education in the Biden government revealed a wide-ranging set of rules on Friday. The rules effectively remove protections for spaces based on sex by expanding the Title IX ban on sex discrimination to include “gender identity” which was not originally mentioned in the law. A majority of Americans believe that males who claim to identify as females should not be allowed to join girls’ and women’s sports teams.

As of now, about 25 states have laws or regulations aimed at keeping males out of female-only spaces, both on and off the field. agree However, starting from Aug. 1, the Democratic administration's redefinition of “sex-based discrimination” poses a threat to sex-based protections and allows males into female spaces including athletic competitions, locker rooms, and sex-specific clubs such as sororities, despite state laws. The rules claim to ensure that all students receive appropriate support when they face sex discrimination and that procedures for investigating and resolving complaints of sex discrimination are fair to all involved. The rules also undo due process protections introduced during the Trump era for those accused of sexual misconduct and encroach on parents’ rights. They also threaten academic freedom of speech by encouraging schools to censor students and teachers with traditional views on sex and marriage so they don’t lose federal funding.

The Biden administration openly admits that it relied on the Supreme Court’s Bostock v. Clayton County decision to inform its rulemaking.

In that case, Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Neil Gorsuch joined their Democrat-nominated colleagues to expand the prohibition against employment discrimination based on “sex” to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”

A draft of the rules released in June 2022 received a “record number” of comments from Americans warning that enacting such extensive provisions and redefining terms like “sexual harassment” would bully schools into mandating the spread of radical gender ideology.

A draft of the rules released in June 2022 received a “record number” of comments from Americans warning that enacting such extensive provisions and redefining terms like “sexual harassment” would bully schools into mandating the spread of radical gender ideology. In response to Biden’s Department of Education ignoring some 240,000 comments, “a coalition of organizations” including the Independent Women’s Forum and Independent Women’s Law Center are suing the administration, according to an IWF press release. In 2022 and 2023, those groups strongly opposed to the new rule. “Title IX was designed to give women equal opportunities in academic settings.

It forbids discrimination on the basis of ‘sex,’ which it affirms throughout the statute is binary and biological. The unlawful Omnibus Regulation re-imagines Title IX to permit the invasion of women’s spaces and the reduction of women’s rights in the name of elevating protections for ‘gender identity,’ which is contrary to the text and purpose of Title IX,” said Director of Independent Women’s Law Center May Mailman, noting the rules are illegal. “record number” of comments from Americans warning that enacting such extensive provisions and redefining terms like “sexual harassment” would bully schools into mandating the spread of radical gender ideology.

In response to Biden’s Department of Education ignoring some 240,000 comments, “a coalition of organizations” including the Independent Women’s Forum and Independent Women’s Law Center are suing the administration, according to an IWF press release. In 2022 and 2023, those groups sent legal and policy objections to the new rule. 

“Title IX was designed to give women equal opportunities in academic settings. It forbids discrimination on the basis of ‘sex,’ which it affirms throughout the statute is binary and biological. The unlawful Omnibus Regulation re-imagines Title IX to permit the invasion of women’s spaces and the reduction of women’s rights in the name of elevating protections for ‘gender identity,’ which is contrary to the text and purpose of Title IX,” Director of Independent Women’s Law Center May Mailman said, noting the rules are illegal.

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