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Brent Floating Farms Invites People to Help Fight Environmental Damage and Ensure Food Security

The dedicated team at Brent Floating Farms is working hard to address harmful environmental effects caused by current farming methods, as well as the numerous challenges faced…

The committed team at Brent Floating Farms is working diligently to address harmful environmental effects caused by current farming methods, as well as the numerous challenges faced by commercial farmers and the threat of food shortages in today’s developed world. With years of farming experience, the Brent team tested their skills and knowledge to modernize farming successfully.

Brent Floating Farms is demonstrating a better way of farming, moving beyond traditional field tilling and its associated problems. They are venturing into a new frontier in agriculture by utilizing an underused resource and cultivating produce in containers at sea.

Brent Floating Farms are pioneering a revolution in the world’s oldest industry – agriculture. COO and co-founder Frank Brent passionately explains, “We will lead the way in eliminating chemicals from our food – going beyond simply organic.

When asked why they believe their method is superior, the team is eager to provide numerous reasons. The main benefits of their innovative farming system:

  • The containers provide controlled atmospheres, ensuring optimal growing conditions for each crop. Weather conditions become almost irrelevant with this approach.
  • Their aquaponic system grows produce without artificial chemicals, as it naturally eliminates pests and weeds, thereby obviating the need for harmful chemicals.
  • No risk of contamination exposure.
  • Their business is centered around sustainability.
  • Conserves water, using up to 90% less water.
  • Reduces waste.
  • Implements highly eco-friendly practices, avoiding dangerous and destructive agricultural runoff.
  • This method allows year-round production of high-quality produce.

With a proven successful method already in place, the team at Brent Floating Farms is now prepared to expand their business and increase operations. To take their vision to the next level, they are initiating Phase 1 of their equity fundraising and will start accepting investments in Q1 of 2024. Their goal is to raise a total of $20M from accredited investors through Reg D 506(c) equity crowdfunding.

While seeking investment, the team plans to immediately expand the business with a comprehensive business plan in place. They anticipate profitability within 16 months, with a profit split that offers investors 20% of the profit share, while 80% will be used for business growth and management costs.

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