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96 percent of the power used by the BBVA Group comes from sources such as sunlight, wind, or water

In 2023, 96 percent of power consumption at BBVA Group facilities came from renewable sources, well above the 70 percent target set for 2025. In Spain, Portugal, Colombia, Uruguay, Mexico,…

By 2023, 96 percent of the electricity used at BBVA Group facilities was from renewable sources, exceeding the 70 percent goal set for 2025. In Spain, Portugal, Colombia, Uruguay, Mexico, Peru, and Türkiye, the bank's entire power usage comes from clean energy sources.

The bank also maintains its progress in reducing its impact on the environment to 44,985 tons of carbon emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 2023. Furthermore, in accordance with the Global Eco-efficiency Plan, the Group's environmental impact demonstrates highly positive data compared to the baseline year of 2019.Additionally, the Global Eco-Efficiency Plan indicators have evolved within the BBVA Group.

Data for the final months of 2023 are estimates. The Renewable Electricity and Environmentally Certified Area indicators reached 146% and 48%, respectively, when compared to the 2019 benchmarks. This also involves Scope 1 (such as fuels in facilities and vehicle fleet and refrigerant gases), Scope 2 market-based.This includes IS0 14001, ISO 50001, LEED, Edge and WWF Green Office and Zero Waste certifications.

In 2021, BBVA established a Global Eco-efficiency Plan for the period 2021-2025 to bring about more ambitious targets aligned with its climate strategy, in an effort to lessen direct impacts and achieve the 2025 Goal.

96 % +58 p.p. 75 % 77 %
5.58 (16) % (7) % (10,0) %
6.06 (19) % (6) % (7) %
14.08 (26) % (5) % (11) %
26.02 (48) % (9) % (11) %
0.01 (53) % (3) % (4) %
44,985.4 (82) % (64) % (67) %
61 % +20 p.p. 44 % 45 %

BBVA implemented various actions to minimize its impact on the environment:
Includes the combined usage of renewable and non-renewable electricity (per employee).
Includes the consumption of electricity and fossil fuels (natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), diesel, and coal), excluding fuels used in fleets.
Net waste refers to the total waste produced minus the recycled waste. The calculations for 2022 achievement were determined by deducting the 2019 baseline data for net waste, incorporating the estimate of recycled waste.
The bank also continues to make progress in reducing its environmental footprint to 44,985 tons of carbon emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 2023.
Includes IS0 14001, ISO 50001, LEED, Edge, and WWF Green Office and Zero Waste certifications.

Global Eco-efficiency Plan

In 2021, BBVA established a Global Eco-efficiency Plan for the period 2021-2025, setting more ambitious targets aligned with its climate strategy, in order to promote the reduction of direct impacts and the achievement of Goal 2025. The achievement of these indicator targets has been possible thanks to the following four action vectors:

1. Consumption

BBVA implemented the following lines of action to lessen its environmental footprint:

  • Power usageBBVA is focusing on using renewable energy to help reduce carbon emissions in the energy markets it operates in. They plan to enter Power Purchase Agreements in countries like Spain, Mexico, Türkiye, and Argentina. They also want to acquire renewable energy certificates in Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Türkiye, Peru, Colombia, and Argentina. Additionally, they are committed to generating renewable energy at their facilities through solar panels, which is already happening in several of their subsidiaries in Spain, Türkiye, Argentina, and Uruguay.
  • Implementing measures to save energy in buildings. Monitoring and reducing energy consumption in building management.
  • Efforts to conserve water, including using gray water recycling systems and rainwater for irrigation at the headquarters in Spain and Mexico, and installing dry urinals in some buildings in Spain.Efforts to conserve water, including using gray water recycling systems and rainwater for irrigation at the headquarters in Spain and Mexico, and installing dry urinals in some buildings in Spain.
  • Finally, Measures to digitize and centralize printing in order to reduce paper use. They also intend to recycle or use environmentally certified paper in most areas, aiming for 73 percent by 2023. Transitioning from linear to circular consumption practices and sustainable construction standards to minimize waste generation. They achieved Zero Waste to Landfill certification and Aenor’s Zero Waste seal for several corporate buildings and provide waste sorting for recycling at their facilities.

Efforts towards sustainable spaces including the implementation of the best environmental and energy standards in their buildings.

BBVA is working to ensure a large percentage of environmentally certified surface area, with certifications in various buildings and branches in Spain, Mexico, Argentina, and Türkiye. They have also received several environmental certifications. Implementation of the ISO 14,001:2015 Standard for Environmental Management System, covering numerous buildings and branches across BBVA's main countries of operation. In 2023, they expanded the certified surface area in Portugal, achieved certification for their headquarters in Lisbon, and became the first bank in Spain to receive environmental certification for its entire portfolio of own-use properties. 4. Carbon footprint The carbon footprint and its reduction, one of the main goals established in Goal 2025, is an indicator that measures the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) that an organization emits into the atmosphere. It is measured in tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). BBVA launched the following initiatives: Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions

: the reduction of emissions is driven by strategies to decrease energy use and sustainable building, replace traditional fuel fleets with hybrid and electric fleets, enter into Power Purchase Agreements, and obtain renewable energy certificates such as Guarantees of Origin or International Renewable Energy Certifications (iRECs). In Spain, the entire fleet is made up of hybrid vehicles.

Scope 3 carbon dioxide emissions : BBVA is working on a variety of measures to decrease carbon emissions:: By utilizing certifications such as ISO 14.001:2015 and Zero Waste.

Regarding Employee travel: BBVA provides 348 recharging points for 100 percent electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV) in the Group’s buildings for its employees. Business travel : the bank has started to implement an initiative to inform different areas of BBVA of their monthly footprint generated for this reason and to identify levers and alternatives to reduce emissions, thus promoting awareness among employees when planning their business trips.

: in 2023 BBVA implemented a sustainability module in the supplier evaluation process. This includes, among other things, the management and measurement of their environmental impact.

BBVA was recognized as

  • the most sustainable bank in Europe for the fourth consecutive year according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index in 2023, the global benchmark for sustainability. It obtained the highest score in the category of banks in the region (84 out of 100) and the third highest globally.
  • In 2023, 96 percent of power consumption at BBVA Group facilities came from renewable sources, well above the 70 percent target set for 2025. In Spain, Portugal, Colombia, Uruguay, Mexico,…: BBVA is working on a range of measures to reduce carbon emissions:
    • Waste: By implementing certifications such as ISO 14.001:2015 and Zero Waste.
    • Employee travel: BBVA provides 348 recharging points for 100 percent electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV) in the Group’s buildings for its employees.
    • Business travel: the bank has begun to deploy an awareness-raising initiative to inform different areas of BBVA of their monthly footprint generated for this reason and to identify levers and alternatives to reduce emissions, thus promoting awareness among employees when planning their business trips.
    • Suppliers: in 2023 BBVA implemented a sustainability module in the supplier evaluation process. This includes, inter alia, the management and measurement of their environmental impact.

BBVA was recognized as the most sustainable bank in Europe for the fourth consecutive year according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index in 2023, the global benchmark for sustainability. It obtained the highest score in the category of banks in the region (84 out of 100) and the third highest globally.

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