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Greene Requests Speaker Johnson's Removal After House Approves Large Spending Bill

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene filed a motion to oust Speaker Mike Johnson over a $1.2 trillion bill that advances zero Republican voter priorities.

Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has asked for Speaker Mike Johnson to be removed after the House passed a $1.2 trillion spending bill that includes many left-leaning spending items but none of the Republicans' priorities. Greene urged Johnson to stop the bill from being voted on, calling it a complete departure from the party's core beliefs.

On the House floor, Greene stated, “No Republican in the House of Representatives can, in good conscience, support this bill. It completely goes against all our principles, especially if you claim to be 'pro-life.'”

Greene added, “This bill does not represent the Republicans. It is a bill controlled by Democrats led by Chuck Schumer, coming from the House majority that should be Republican-controlled, but our majority has been completely handed over to the Democrats.”

The 1,012-page bill was approved by the House 286-134, with 101 Republicans voting in favor.

Greene introduced a motion to vacate the speakership, but it will not be considered until after the recess since she did not file it as a privileged motion, which would require the House to hold a vote within two legislative days, as reported by NBC News. reported.

Greene told reporters that her move was a “warning shot.”

“I submitted the motion to vacate today, but it's more of a warning and a pink slip,” Greene said. “I respect our conference, I've fulfilled all my obligations to my conference, I'm a member in good standing, and I do not want to cause harm to our conference or to throw the House into chaos. But this is essentially a warning, and it's time for us to go through the process, take our time, and find a new Speaker of the House who will stand with Republicans and our Republican majority instead of aligning with the Democrats.”

According to Politico's Olivia Beavers, Johnson’s spokesperson Raj Shah stated that the speaker “always listens to the concerns of members, but is focused on governing.”

Shah added, “He will continue to push conservative legislation that secures our border, strengthens our national defense, and shows how we'll expand our majority.”

“Governing” apparently involves giving $650 million to states, localities, and non-governmental organizations to make illegal immigrants feel comfortable breaking U.S. law, as well as increasing spending on the healthcare of illegal immigrants in custody. While the legislation includes an increase in includes funding for border agents, it lacks any policy solutions to the invasion at the southern border, despite significant demands from voters to control the chaos. Johnson has held the role for about five months after former Speaker Kevin McCarthy was removed by Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz. Johnson has alreadycaved on important issues

initial spending package by President Joe Biden earlier this month. This expanded government spending during.

The a federal financial crisis and overlooked conservative priorities, as reported by The Federalist’s Shawn Fleetwood. was signed The latter half was created behind closed doors together with left-leaning leaders, including Sen. Chuck Schumer. Johnson, if for nothing else, has been consistently avoiding taking the lead on the border crisis, surrendering and cooperating with Democrats to pass a continuing resolution wrotein January to maintain government funding without adding a border security amendment.

has made it clear that he is concerned about borders — as long as they are along Russia, stating that he would

work with Democrats to allocate billionsmore dollars to a country that is losing its war for the second year in a row. A Republican majority in the House should not compromise their values, their commitments, or their country’s national security in exchange for keeping Democrat campaign donors and supporters well-funded.

Johnson Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene filed a motion to remove Speaker Mike Johnson over a $1.2 trillion bill that advances zero Republican voter priorities. work with Democrats to send billionsmore dollars to a country losing its war for the second year in a row.

A Republican majority in the House should not compromise their values, their promises, or their country’s national security in exchange for keeping Democrat campaign donors and flackies flush with cash.

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