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‘Bloodbath!’ Trump Is Now Fundraising Off Comments That Sparked Media Frenzy

Donald Trump is hoping to turn controversy into gold once again by fundraising off of the media frenzy surrounding his use of the word “bloodbath.”

Former President Donald Trump is hoping to turn controversy into gold once again by fundraising off of the media frenzy surrounding his use of the word “bloodbath.”

Trump used the word when talking about the auto industry during a rally in Ohio over the weekend:

They think that they’re going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border. Let me tell you something to China. If you’re listening President Xi [Jinping], and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal: Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re gonna get that, you’re gonna not hire Americans and you’re gonna sell the cars to us — no.

We’re gonna put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not gonna be able to sell those guys if I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it, it’s gonna be a bloodbath for the country, that’ll be the least of it.

Media outlets, and the Biden-Harris campaign, immediately jumped on Trump’s rhetoric with Joe Biden claiming on X (formerly Twitter), “Donald Trump wants another January 6.” But Trump’s campaign emphasized that he was talking about the auto industry, nothing more. Regardless, Trump’s comments, and reaction to them, continued to fill the 24-hour cable news cycle.

Never one to let a good controversy go to waste, Trump’s team sent out fundraising emails first thing Monday morning with the subject line, “Bloodbath!”

The email read:

At a rally on Saturday, I predicted a bloodbath for our auto industry if Crooked Joe Biden were to win in November.

Then immediately, the LIARS in the Fake News & Democrat Party pushed their biggest HOAX of the election.

They used edited clips to viciously misquote me.

They said that YOU were a dangerous threat to our country.

They even had Nancy Pelosi push this HOAX live on CNN! She lied directly to the American people!

The FAKE NEWS and their allies in the Democrat Party truly HATE OUR COUNTRY!

They will push hoaxes, fake headlines, and outright LIES to keep control.

That’s why I’m depending on YOUR SUPPORT to win back the White House!

Before the day is over, I’m asking EVERY SINGLE ONE of my supporters to chip in and say, I STAND WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP! >


Remember, support from Patriots like YOU is what’s going to get us back into the White House.

So that’s why I’m asking my STRONGEST supporters to deliver the LIARS in the Fake News a message that they’ll NEVER FORGET!

Please chip in today >


Thank you,

Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States


The Trump team has raised money off of the former president’s “misfortunes” before: they immediately asked for donations after Trump’s mug shot became public, and have sent out emails each time new charges were filed against him in his four criminal and multiple civil cases.

Multiple media outlets have reported that Biden is currently out-fundraising Trump. The Biden-Harris campaign brought in $53 million in February. The Trump camp hasn’t yet released its February figures, “but has said it also had its strongest month among small donors — topping the $22.3 million raised last August. Mr. Trump and the R.N.C. formed a formal joint fund-raising account only last week,” according to The New York Times.

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