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Trans Insanity

Trans Insanity

Trans Rights Advocates Disrupt Hotline for Girls to Report Suspicious Men in Their Bathrooms

LGBT activists are trying to make it impossible to report violations of laws protecting women and children, putting real people in danger.

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CriminalTrans Insanity

LGBT advocates and supportive media use the deaths of teens for political purposes

The only person to blame is the alleged murderer, yet this death will be used as another propaganda tool purely for politics.

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CriminalTrans Insanity

Trans Activists Put More Importance on Predators Than Women’s Safety

Corporate America seems more interested in protecting the feelings of a few trans-identified men than keeping women safe in public spaces.

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Trans Insanity

The negative effects of transgender ‘medicine’ demonstrate it is not just junk science, but also malpractice

Instead of the superstition of gender ideology, and the injuries it inflicts through its revolt against reality, we need a return to medicine that does no harm.

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Trans Insanity

Biden's disrespecting of Easter Sunday by choosing to recognize a transgender holiday was a deliberate decision to punish

This was a nod to the far left and an attack on the Christian demographic despised by the Democratic party.

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Trans Insanity

Scientists Dispute Olympic Committee’s Uninformed Policies On ‘Fairness’ And Testosterone Levels

A recently published report from international researchers collects all lines of evidence in support of fairness in women’s sports.

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Trans Insanity

Where Are The Fathers Protecting Their Daughters From Unsafe Male Athletes?

Why have so few fathers, especially after their daughters were injured by a male, stepped forward and said, ‘Not on my watch’?

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Trans InsanityU.S. News

Transgender advocates say that children should have the 'right' to have surgeries and medical treatments to change their bodies

The latest cover of New York Magazine is clear. The transgender movement is coming for your kids — and not trying to hide it.

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