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The Desperate Courage of the Republican Populists

How is Ted Cruz seeking leverage over a shutdown conservative crazy talk, but John Boehner seeking similar leverage over the debt ceiling isn’t?

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PoliticsU.S. News

Krugman vs. “The Crazy Party”

When “racist,” “misogynist,” or “nihilist” simply won’t do, we have Nobel Prize winning New York Times columnist Paul Krugman to set us straight.

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Here’s How Conservatives Can Start Reaching Hispanic Voters

Watching conservatives trying to appeal to Hispanic voters can be frustrating to watch because they’re making it harder than it really should be. In reality, it’s no different than winning support from any other voter segment. Convince voters – as many as possible – that you’ll do a better job of addressing their concerns than …

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PoliticsU.S. News

Ken Cuccinelli’s Window of Opportunity

In Virginia, Terry McAuliffe is handing Ken Cuccinelli a golden opportunity to close the gap in the most important election of 2013.

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