Panic! The Seven Most Ridiculous Warnings About Pending Government #ShutStorm
The federal government might have a limited, temporary shut down and our nation’s reporters and politicians are on it! In a shutdown such as this, Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, and unemployment benefit checks still go out. Mail still gets delivered. Essential operations are kept running. Even Obamacare exchanges will still open. But some government …
Newt Gingrich’s Lessons on Government Shutdown
The former House Speaker says the lesson of his own shutdown is that brinkmanship works.
Why Rand Paul Won Ted Cruz’s Filibuster
It’s a distinct possibility that the 2016 candidate now best positioned to triangulate himself as both anti-establishment and not a creature of the radical base is Rand Paul himself.
What the 2005 Senate Nuclear Option Battle Teaches Us About Brinkmanship
The 2005 Senate battle over the so-called nuclear option is a textbook example of how a minority party can extract major concessions from the party in power.
What the 2005 Senate Nuclear Option Battle Teaches Us About Brinkmanship
The 2005 Senate battle over the so-called nuclear option is a textbook example of how a minority party can extract major concessions from the party in power.
The Bogus Case for “Compromise”
The contention that the GOP is more ideologically inflexible than Democrats is preposterous. So is the idea that conviction is a political liability.
Local Crime, Pink Shoes and Silence
Since Ted Cruz began his speech against Obamacare, Washington Post health care policy reporter Sarah Kliff has failed to notice it. Or so I assume from her Twitter feed, which has precisely zero tweets about it.
Hail To The King!
In a day and age when democracy and freedom have become almost synonymous, can monarchy and liberty coexist? What’s so bad about a well-meaning king?