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PoliticsU.S. News

Ken Cuccinelli’s Window of Opportunity

In Virginia, Terry McAuliffe is handing Ken Cuccinelli a golden opportunity to close the gap in the most important election of 2013.

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Market & Economics

Yes, Americans Like the Debt Ceiling – And it Matters

According to reports, House budget chairman Paul Ryan has been urging his colleagues to back off on the budget fight and focus on a debt ceiling showdown. In exchange for an increase in the legal limit on federal government borrowing, Ryan believes the GOP can demand a series of items in return; starting with a delay of …

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The Farm Bill is back — and it’s still terrible

Not only ridiculously expensive, but ridiculously counterproductive.

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A Middle Ground for the GOP on Obamacare Defund/Delay?

A GOP compromise on defund/delay that prevents the immediate implementation of Obamacare is actually within reach.

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Foreign Policy

Welcome to Neoconworld

Twelve years after the September 11 attacks, threats of American involvement in Syria’s civil war have refocused attention on the region at the heart of our foreign policy.

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Verboten Values

In Germany, home schooling is a crime against the state. There’s a growing movement to make it illegal here in America, too.

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Chipotle’s hyped anti- “Big Food” video is preposterous

It’s been surprising to see so many smart people profess their admiration for the much-hyped (“haunting“, “Oscar-ready“, “poignant“) animated short produced by Mexican fast food chain Chipotle. The Scarecrow, which features a Fiona Apple cover of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’s “Pure Imagination”, is actually a ludicrous fable about the future of agriculture. As Chipotle explains: In a …

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The Pointless Bickering Over Defund or Delay

The amount of heat generated on Capitol Hill by the defund/delay argument on the right has increased dramatically in recent days. “Republicans on Capitol Hill are abuzz about a flare-up that occurred in the Republican Study Committee’s weekly staff meeting. Neil Bradley, a top aide to Majority Leader Eric Cantor, made a rare appearance at …

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Did Bogus Methodology Enable Nate Silver’s Perfect 2012 Prediction?

Nate Silver, the former New York Times election modeler who called 49 states correctly in the 2008 presidential election, somehow improved on that record in 2012 by correctly predicting the electoral college winner in all 50 states. And what made the accomplishment even more impressive was how close the elections were in several states. In …

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Foreign Policy

Elites Lose Their Grip on Foreign Policy

Over the past few weeks, a broad debate about the reason for opposition to Syria strikes from Congress, particularly Congressional Republicans, has thrown around terms like isolationist and cited the rise of libertarian politicians as a justification for the less hawkish approach of elected officials. There is some truth to that, yes – the vast …

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