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Uber Shouldn’t Hire Political Hit Men

As a capitalist, I want to love the car-sharing app company Uber. But they sure are making it difficult.

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Public Transit Is Going Extinct, But Toy Trains Still Snooker Cities

Building city trains and streetcars in 2014 is a regressive move that stymies future innovation.

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Bring Equality To The Road

The Left’s approach to regulating cyclists is divisive, unfair, and even dangerous. Time for a lane change.

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Republicans Should Stop Bailing Out The Highway Trust Fund

Instead of bailing out the federal Highway Trust Fund yet again, Republican lawmakers should actually try to fix the program.

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Road Diets and Car Shaming: The Left’s War On Transit Innovation

The left claims they are the party of diversity, yet they cringe at letting a free market provide the diverse transportation options customers desire.

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