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Top Nine Myths About Trade Promotion Authority And The Trans-Pacific Partnership

A misguided (or misleading) opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership really has no idea what it’s talking about.

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The Left’s Hypocrisy On Fast Track For The Trans Pacific Partnership

Fast track would give away no public voice on international trade agreements.

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Separating Fact From Fiction In The Frustrating Debate Over U.S. Trade Policy

A vote for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement is a vote for lower taxes on American families and industrial consumers.

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If You Like Higher Prices, Enriched Cronies, And Weak National Security, Then You’ll Love The Jones Act

Sen. John McCain has found an archaic, protectionist boondoggle whose time for death is long past. It’s called the Jones Act.

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Yes, Of Course We Should Lift The Cuban Embargo

The U.S. government had two decades to prove its Cuban embargo would work. It failed.

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The Conservative Case For Normalizing Relations With Cuba

Human rights considerations never deter American voters from their thirst for cheap stuff, and it’s time to move forward from the Cold War in Cuba anyway.

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Don’t Drink The Obamatrade Snake Oil

Misinformation about Obamatrade and bad journalism shouldn’t scuttle a rare moment of free-market bipartisanship.

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Hey Ho, Hey Ho, The Export-Import Bank Must Go

The unexpected fight over reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank reflects widespread public vexation with cronyism.

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Does Trade Really Make U.S. Workers Poorer?

Labor’s share of the U.S. economic pie might be smaller, but the economy is bigger than it used to be, thanks to international trade and investment.

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America’s Horrible, No Good, Messed-Up Trade Policy (and How to Fix It)

Americans currently pay high taxes on food, clothing, automobiles, industrial inputs and other goods and services, and their own trade policy keeps it that way.

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