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Science & Technology

Science & Technology

Sci-Fi Is Socialist, Like Most Art

Science fiction is shot through with the longing for a more-rational human (or humanoid) race, accompanied by harmonious but deceptively simple models for a society worthy of such beings.

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Science & Technology

Hacktivists Are An Indispensable Part Of A Modern Republic

This battle over Hacktivists will define constitutional rights, government power and the evolution of information technology for the next century.

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Science & Technology

After the Cave: What Have Republicans Learned About Digital Since 2012?

A year after losing the presidential election, are Republican campaigns finally learning from their digital mistakes?

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Science & Technology

The Republican Brain Dissected

The irony of Chris Mooney’s thesis – that conservatives are inherently more biased – is that it runs contrary to the views of many social psychologists working in the area.

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Science & Technology

Don’t Know Much About History

What started as a self-satisfied Twitter rant against those knuckle-dragging, Luddite theists ended as a picture-perfect portrait of epistemic closure.

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