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This is What Bad Parenting Looks Like

Deceiving, framing, publicly shaming and scaring your kids silly sure doesn’t help.

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3 Reasons I’ll Never Be A Free-Range Parent

I can’t in good conscience be a free-range parent. But that doesn’t make me a helicopter mom, either.

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ParentingU.S. News

Broken Homes Are Overloading Social Services

To protect American kids from harm on a large scale, we need to recognize a basic truth: children are better off living with their married biological parents.

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What Amy Schumer’s ‘Trainwreck’ Teaches About Fathers

If we want happy endings in movies or in real life, both intact families and strong father-daughter relationships matter.

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5 Ways To Recover The Joy Of Summer Vacation

Polls find half of parents can’t wait for summer vacation to be over by now. You don’t have to feel that way.

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What Happens When Mentally Ill People Have Children

When America began ejecting mentally ill people from institutional care, one consequence has been pregnancies among a population ill-suited for parenting.

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Motherhood Inspires Me More Than World Travel

I have lived in four countries and traveled to or through nearly 30. Mothering my children beats those experiences, hands down.

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3 Reasons I Want Childbirth Photos

Having a child can change your mind about a lot. One of my reversals was the decision to let people photograph my childbirth.

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Why Helicopter Parenting Is The New Victorianism

What the stereotypical Victorians did to women is what stereotypical helicopter parents (or alarmist neighbors) do to children.

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