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National Security

National SecuritySynthetic Drugs

Gallagher believes that TikTok is a bigger threat to security than the Democrats’ border invasion

Gallagher voted against impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who has willfully failed to defend the homeland.

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National SecurityU.S. News

Biden Sleepwalks The U.S. Into A Military Crisis To Placate Islamist Voters In Detroit

Biden is about to drag the United States closer toward a military conflict to appease Islamists who threaten his chance of reelection.

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National Security

Biden Swaps Communist China for Communist Vietnam

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis Under substantial political pressure in the United States, President Joe Biden is at last taking some weak steps to decrease the amount of goods imported from China and lessen America's dependence on Chinese products and technology. However, rather than bringing that manufacturing back to the United States, a large portion of it is just moving south to …

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National Security

Down Hillary Clinton’s Email Rabbit Hole

Hillary Clinton’s released emails contain information that could have damaged U.S. national security if disclosed at the time they were written.

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National Security

Charlie Hebdo Teaches Us Terrorism Does Work

After the terrorism that left twelve dead in its offices, French magazine Charlie Hebdo will no longer publish pictures of Muhammed.

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National Security

How To Defend The U.S. Against A Ballistic Missile Attack

Our current policy is not to interfere with the capacity of Russian or Chinese missiles to devastate the United States.

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National Security

Let’s Call Islamic Terrorists What They Call Themselves

Islamic terrorism will only be defeated when we see it is as far more than mindless violence and ‘extremism.’

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National Security

John Oliver Finds the Real Edward Snowden

John Oliver’s recent interview with Edward Snowden reveals both the weakness of our media and the lies Snowden has made himself believe.

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National Security

President Obama’s Trans National Strategy

Inside the minds of people who think transgender issues are crucial to national security and global affairs.

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National Security

Dear GOP: Big Government’s Problems Extend To Defense Spending

Republicans love defense spending, and that’s why the F-35 will cost more than the Manhattan Project every year for the next fifty years.

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