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Former Felons Deserve Second Amendment Rights, Too

People shouldn’t be punished extra simply for owning a gun. What matters is how they use the gun.

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Surprise! There’s Been Another Mass Shooting In A Gun-Free Zone

A mentally ill shooter gunned down several people in a movie theater in Lafayette, Lousiana, this week. The movie theater was a designated gun-free zone.

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Arming Soldiers After Chattanooga Would Let The Terrorists Win

In the aftermath of the Chattanooga Terror Attack, we shouldn’t turn recruiting stations in strip malls across the country into thousands of little Alamos.

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GunsU.S. News

The Total Failure Of Gun Control Captured In One Photo

Gun control simply doesn’t work. This one photo shows why it’s such a failure.

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Gun Control: The Killer’s Best Friend

Abdulazeez shot his victims in a “gun-free zone,” which is a useful illustration of the absurdity gun-control laws: we constrain conscientious Americans but offer free rein to killers.

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7 Ways To Overcome Being Gun Shy

So you support the Second Amendment. Get comfortable with a gun to make that amendment mean something.

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The Australia Gun Control Fallacy

When someone says the United States ought to adopt Australia’s gun laws, he is really saying that gun control is worth risking violent insurrection.

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Sorry, Josh Earnest, But The Second Amendment Isn’t About Hunting

White House press secretary Josh Earnest used the Charleston shooting to justify gun control, saying, “You don’t need an assault rifle to go hunting.”

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GunsU.S. News

So What Do Liberals Actually Want To Do About Guns?

What federal law could Congress pass to stop the next Roof? Just saying “Do something about guns” is vacuous political posturing.

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No, A Lack Of Gun Control Didn’t Cause The Charleston Shooting

A lack of gun control didn’t cause the Charleston shooting; an evil madman did.

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