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GovernmentU.S. News

Why Gavin Newsom Can’t Use His Good Ideas About Local Governance

Gavin Newsom has some good ideas about local governance which he can never put into practice.

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The Age of Mafia Government

The Obama administration’s IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA wiretapping, and other scandals aren’t aberrations. They’re mafia-style governance.

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Keep Your Hands Off My Womb, Collectivist Data-Mongers

When companies collect Big Data on customers, government will view those databases as an irresistible temptation to further its will to control society.

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Veterans Deserve Better Than a Shinseki Retread

Who should replace Eric Shinseki as Veterans Affairs secretary?

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LBJ Was The Original Hippie

If you read LBJ’s Great Society speech, he comes across as a big, doe-eyed, muddled-headed hippie.

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GovernmentU.S. News

Beyond Bundy: Federal Lands Debate Didn’t Start, Won’t End At Bunkerville

Would transferring multiple-use federal lands to the states be in the best interest of the states and the nation? That’s easy. Yes.

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One Simple Step Toward Making Politics Less Horrifying

You can sit passively back as your own political preconceptions take you for an easy ride, or you can retake the reins and steer your own thinking.

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GovernmentU.S. News

Want to Increase Trust in Government? Here’s How.

Cut taxes, build roads, curtail frivolous lawsuits and let people defend themselves.

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In Praise of Simple Government

There’s one place where greater presidential authority would improve government and put taxpayers dollars to better use.

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The World In Crisis

The American divide is about more than just who we elect or which party we trust in which arena. It represents a very real schism about first principles and the universe.

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