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We Don’t Deserve Alexander Hamilton On Our Currency

Alexander Hamilton will be removed from the $10 bill, despite his importance. Well, we no longer deserve him. Here’s who should replace him and others.

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Why The Trans Fat Ban Is Worse Than You Think

If we can ban trans fats, someone needs to explain what stops the state from banning any unhealthy ingredient it feels like.

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GovernmentU.S. News

Don’t Rejoice At The Supreme Court’s Dental Licensing Decision

Even though it knocked a dental cartel, the Supreme Court’s recent licensing decision is no victory for economic liberty.

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Gwyneth Paltrow Doesn’t Know How To Shop For Food On A Budget

Gwyneth Paltrow doesn’t know much about Federal food stamps. She’s confused about how much families get from it and whether they should buy 7 limes a week.

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GovernmentU.S. News

Who Needs Courts Or Congress When You Have President Obama?

Liberals love America’s checks and balances when the system works for them. But just let courts interfere, and they’re immediately illegitimate.

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GovernmentU.S. News

5 Reasons Non-Citizens Should Not Vote In New York City

For people who don’t understand the concept of ‘non-citizen.’

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No, America Is Not Collapsing Like The Roman Empire Did

America’s republic has not disintegrated into an empire, but into a monarchy.

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America’s Death Is Greatly Exaggerated

Are there severe problems with the American republic? Yes. Is it lost or irrevocable? No.

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The Founders Didn’t Fail—We Are Failing The Founders

If we don’t mobilize to remove politicians who are actively or passively eliminating our form of government, the republic our founders gave us is lost.

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The Government’s War on Speech: Citizens United at Five

The backlash against the Citizens United decision has unleashed systematic government hostility toward the free-speech rights of its citizens.

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