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Global Warming

Global Warming

Obama’s ‘Clean Power’ Absurdity

The Obama administration’s “Clean Power Plan” is a monument to the faith that government edicts can overturn the laws of physics.

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Global Warming

Obama Wasn’t Kidding About Wanting To Spike Your Electricity Bill

The Clean Power Plan President Obama released Monday will drastically increase electricity and energy prices, hurting low-income Americans the most.

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Global Warming

What It Would Take to Prove Global Warming

Ronald Bailey asks what it would take to convince the right that global warming is real. Well, here’s what it would take.

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Global Warming

Grasping For Pause-ible Deniability On Climate Change

As the Earth’s temperature remains steady, believers double down on climate change.

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Global WarmingU.S. News

Reporters Explain Why Balance Isn’t Needed On Global Warming

Elite journalists explain why they have no need for ‘balance’ on the global warming issue. So much for scientific and reportorial inquiry.

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Global WarmingU.S. News

The Most Dishonest Year on Record

The claim that 2014 was the hottest year in history shows that the global warming scare is not a high point in the history of science.

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Global Warming

Obama Cynically Cut China Deal To Force Energy Price Hikes On U.S Consumers

President Obama’s little-noticed greenhouse-gas emissions agreement with China may be the most one-sided deal since the Dutch purchased Manhattan.

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Global Warming

Global Warming, Mass Extinction, and Bigfoot

The latest global warming claim is like a bigfoot documentary: long on exciting visuals and speculation, short on hard science.

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Global WarmingU.S. News

Global Warming Carpetbaggers Misfire In Florida Attack Ads

If Florida eliminated its carbon dioxide emissions, it would make no difference to global temperatures. Tell that to billionaire Tom Steyer’s attack team.

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Global Warming

New Berkeley Earth Guide Finds Areas of Climate Agreement

With several notable exceptions, ‘A Skeptic’s Guide to Climate Change’ is a welcome departure from alarmist climate-change rhetoric.

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