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Planned Parenthood Partner: Baby Organ Trafficking = “Financial Profits”

An advertisement from a major Planned Parenthood partner boasts of the financial profits that come from trafficking body parts taken from aborted babies.

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Planned Parenthood Busted On Tape Trying To Sell Aborted Baby Body Parts

A top Planned Parenthood executive was captured on video attempting to traffic body parts from aborted babies.

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What Death Has To Say To Today’s Graduates

The easier society makes it to live, the harder it becomes to confront death. But doing so will make for a better life.

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Forty Years Of Capital Punishment Captured In One Chart

Convicted Boston bomber Dzokhar Tsarnaev is eligible for capital punishment. This one chart captures nearly forty years’ worth of executions in the U.S.

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How Kara Tippetts’ Death Transcends Brittany Maynard’s

A 38-year-old mom of four just died of cancer. Rather than demanding ‘death with dignity,’ Kara Tippetts exemplified dignity while dying

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Ashes, Mannequins, And Corpses: What Will Happen To You After Death?

Death has become quite the creative enterprise, full of entrepreneurs eager to Americanize death and cash in on your corp$e. It’s time to reclaim a more humane way.

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DeathU.S. News

Brittany Maynard Is Dead, But Her Enablers Seek More Victims

Here’s the 411 on Compassion & Choices, the suicide advocacy organization that used young, suffering, and now-deceased Brittany Maynard as a public relations tool.

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Brittany Maynard’s Death Was Not Dignified

The same cancer afflicted my father that did assisted-suicide icon Brittany Maynard. We did not consider him or his natural death undignified.

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Don’t Die With Dignity; Die With Grace

My grandma endured a painful death from cancer. But nothing could make her undignified.

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Don’t Die With Dignity; Die With Grace

My grandma endured a painful death from cancer. But nothing could make her undignified.

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