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Apple’s iPad Advertisement Brags About Substituting Reality With Imitation

Our reliance on digital devices is causing us to feel alone, cut off, and unhappy. It does not have to be like this.

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CultureU.S. News

Strangling for sexual pleasure should be criticized and discouraged

If sexual liberation fails to provide good sex, then there's no reason to continue pursuing it.

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CultureUK News

Will Using the Word ‘Fat’ Become a ‘Hate Crime’ Under Scotland’s New Harsh Law?

The new law, put into effect in 2021 and started on Monday, makes acts 'stirring up hatred' a crime punishable by up to seven years in prison.

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‘Law & Order’ Appears to Influence White Rape Victims to Re-Consider Testifying Against Black Rapists

A recent episode of “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” drew attention over a storyline in which a white rape victim resisted testifying against her black attacker out of fear that he wouldn’t get a fair trial due to his race. In the January 25 episode “Truth Embargo,” the man raped a character named Natalie … More

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What The Left And Right Don’t Get About Campus Rape

Almost every campus, like the rest of American society, is struggling to contain the wreckage of the sexual revolution.

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The Hugo Awards: Why The #WaronNerds Is A War on Art

The utter destruction of the Hugo Awards is a warning not just to nerds, but to Western Civilization that social justice cannot be tolerated.

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Matisyahu Fights For The Freedom to Sing

Democracies are at our best when we can tolerate dissent, open our minds, and let our artists pour out their hearts.

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I Wear Pants to the Office, Because I’m a Grown Man and Not Pajama Boy

The way you dress either shows respect or disrespect for other people. It’s not about vanity or conformity, but respect.

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A Farewell To Summer

How to get over SCOTUS, say goodbye to summer, and ease into Labor Day effortlessly.

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The Breasted Gent And What to Call Him

Instead of Anne Jones, Barnum & Bailey’s Bearded Lady, we moderns have Caitlyn Jenner, pop culture’s Breasted Gent.

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