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A Tribute To Truett Cathy, America’s Greatest Entrepreneur

Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy died this morning. Even if he’d just invented that amazing chicken sandwich, he would be awesome. But he did so much more.

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Stop Complaining About Businesses Moving Abroad

Instead, do something: Make America’s tax rates and business climate competitive again.

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Did ‘Social Business’ Sink the Cardboard Bike?

Which is more social: funding a business enterprise by attracting investors who will share its profits, or attracting donations from people who won’t?

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We Cracked The Code On How The Facebook News Feed Algorithm Works

Yes, the Facebook news feed algorithm does significantly reward the purchase of ads.

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Groupon Is Totally Trolling You With That Presidents Day Press Release

Groupon’s stock might not be worth all that much, but its PR people aren’t as stupid as they want you to think they are.

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Facebook Cares More About Targeting Ads Than Affirming Your Gender Identity

Facebook doesn’t really care what you think your gender is. It cares about charging advertisers a premium for the ability to narrowly target ads.

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