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Amtrak Doesn’t Need More Taxpayer Cash, It Needs To Be Given Away

If you want to fix Amtrak, don’t pour more taxpayer cash into it. Don’t sell Amtrak off, either. Just give it away.

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Three Ways To Stop Being Sleepless In Suburbia

Even middle-class suburbanites are struggling to pay the bills. Why, and what can they do about it?

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Yes, We Need CBO Reform

Reforming CBO to be more transparent and reasonable in its estimates is a good thing, not a war on math.

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Remember That Time Elizabeth Warren Said A Shutdown Was “Anarchy”?

Last year, Elizabeth Warren said a government shutdown was evidence of Republican “anarchy.” My, how things have changed.

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Republicans Can Defund Obama’s Executive Order, They Just Don’t Want To

House Republicans should stop pretending they can’t do anything to stop Obama’s executive order. They can, they just don’t want to.

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Republicans Should Respond To GruberGate By Cleaning House At CBO

So long as Doug Elmendorf leads CBO and employs Gruber’s methodology, free market health care policies are effectively DOA. It’s time to clean house at CBO.

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Wastebook 2014: Eight Absurd Government Projects Funded With Your Money

The feds wasted millions on treadmills for mountain lions, monkey gambling studies, and food fight video games, according to Tom Coburn’s 2014 Wastebook.

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The CBO Is Using Enron-Style Accounting On Obamacare

The level of distrust for the validity of CBO’s estimates is growing, and their latest step to game the accounting on Obamacare’s ramifications is amazing.

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What A Constitutional Federal Budget Would Look Like

In 2012, the federal government collected $2.45 trillion, had $3.53 trillion in total outlays, and involved itself in every issue in America from A to Z.

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The Imaginary ‘Era Of Austerity’ Comes To An End

To end ‘The Era Of Austerity,’ wouldn’t you need to experience some austerity in the first place?

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