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AgricultureClimateSustainable Supply Chain

Tesco and NatWest have started a program to help farmers use sustainable methods that are good for the environment and save money

Tesco, the UK’s leading supermarket, and NatWest, the largest UK bank for business and one of the largest for the farming sector, have launched a new discounted climate and sustainable…

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AgricultureESG InnovationSustainable Business

Brent Floating Farms Invites People to Help Fight Environmental Damage and Ensure Food Security

The dedicated team at Brent Floating Farms is working hard to address harmful environmental effects caused by current farming methods, as well as the numerous challenges faced…

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AgricultureAsiaDiversity, Equity & InclusionSustainable Finance

Deutsche Bank’s Program in Asia, Empowering Women in Farming

Breaking the barriers that prevent women from accessing enough food in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and India, Deutsche Bank is helping through its Corporate Responsibility program in Asia to support women in local communities and…

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Supreme Court Dries Price Controls Like A Raisin In The Sun

Agriculture despots used to be able to seize farmers’ produce at will. With a new Supreme Court decision in favor of two raisin farmers, that may change.

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Shock! Farm Bill Boondoggle Already Bigger than Politicians, Media Promised

The 2014 Farm Bill could impose more harm on US taxpayers and consumers than our political and media elite promised us.

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AgricultureU.S. News

Close Down The United States Department of Agriculture

Close down the department that unjustly appropriates American agriculture for its own wasteful and dishonest purposes.

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Food Gentrification: One Way We Wage War On The Poor

When every family eats differently, they don’t run into each other at the same grocery, don’t share recipes, and certainly don’t dine together.

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AgricultureMarket & Economics

9 Reasons The Farm Bill Is Bad For America

Here are nine figures to help make sense of U.S. agricultural policy.

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The Farm Bill Fiasco

The House and Senate have decided the best approach to work out their differences is selecting the worst options and adding them together into one terrible bill.

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Farm Bill Reform? Not So Fast

The House has a chance to make substantive reform a possibility. Will it go through with it? That’s another question.

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