The Superhero Alter Egos Of GOP Presidential Candidates
If the GOP presidential candidates were superheroes, here’s which they would be. Consider the flame war started.
Donald Trump Couldn’t Graduate From ROTC
No soldier would follow Trump into battle, and no officer would give him loyalty.
Fiorina Rallies Small Town Crowd With Reform Message
Carly Fiorina slammed today’s hostile business climate.
Scott Walker Ups The Anti-Establishment Ante In New Hampshire
Scott Walker says he is willing to fight and win for the American people, whether it means taking on Democrats or fellow conservatives.
John Kasich On Roe v. Wade: “We Live With The Law Of The Land”
“Obviously it’s the law of the land now,” Kasich said of Roe v. Wade, “and we live with the law of the land.”
Hillary Clinton’s Classified Troubles
Hillary Clinton’s email troubles aren’t going away anytime soon.
Misunderstanding Donald Trump Supporters
Donald Trump appeals to a particular sect of the American voting population. If the GOP wants to court his followers, it must first understand them.
Jindal: Walker’s Healthcare Plan Is ‘Obamacare Lite’
In response to Walkers plan, Gov. Bobby Jindal called the proposal ‘Obamacare lite,’ while insisting that a federal entitlement program is unnecessary.