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Author: Noah Jackson


Farm Bill Reform? Not So Fast

The House has a chance to make substantive reform a possibility. Will it go through with it? That’s another question.

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8 Charts That Explain the Explosive Growth of U.S. Health Care Costs

Here are 8 charts that help explain why health care costs in America exploded over the past several decades, and why Obamacare will do nothing to address the problem.

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Ted Cruz’s Lost Cause Worth Fighting For

Ted Cruz’s filibuster is an attempt to leverage public opinion and highlight a disagreement where he believes the people are on his side. It’s that simple.

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The Desperate Courage of the Republican Populists

How is Ted Cruz seeking leverage over a shutdown conservative crazy talk, but John Boehner seeking similar leverage over the debt ceiling isn’t?

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PoliticsU.S. News

Krugman vs. “The Crazy Party”

When “racist,” “misogynist,” or “nihilist” simply won’t do, we have Nobel Prize winning New York Times columnist Paul Krugman to set us straight.

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Market & EconomicsU.S. News

What Your Neighborhood List-Serv Tells You About The Demise of America

Parents have stopped raising their kids to take risks. Coddling kids isn’t good for them, or for the country.

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Market & Economics

Yes, Americans Like the Debt Ceiling – And it Matters

According to reports, House budget chairman Paul Ryan has been urging his colleagues to back off on the budget fight and focus on a debt ceiling showdown. In exchange for an increase in the legal limit on federal government borrowing, Ryan believes the GOP can demand a series of items in return; starting with a delay of …

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