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Author: Noah Jackson


Five Different Scenarios For Obamacare Delay

Obamacare isn’t working, and the administration and its allies know it. The possibility of delay is now very real. Here’s how it could happen.

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Boehner’s Predicament Was Caused By Poor Leadership, Not Poor Followership

While Ross Douthat is correct that the GOP’s current problems are much larger than John Boehner, his defense of Boehner’s tactics before and during the shutdown doesn’t hold water.

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EducationU.S. News

The False Promise Of Universal Pre-kindergarten

If Oklahoma is truly concerned about how the state is failing young children, it might focus instead on reforming educational options for the most vulnerable.

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Is It Time For John Boehner to Resign As Speaker?

John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and Kevin McCarthy should all resign from their leadership posts.

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Yes, Incentives Do Matter, and Obamacare’s Incentives Are Terrible

Just as Obamacare created incentives for employers to dump workers, it also created perverse incentives for hard-working people to not work so hard.

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A Default Of Obama’s Choosing

If the debt ceiling is breached, it will be because President Obama accepted Harry Reid’s view of the political ramifications of default.

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Republicans Shouldn’t Play Obama’s Debt Game

Republicans picked the ground they wanted to fight on: the shutdown. Don’t split your forces between two hills, and don’t give Obama the opportunity to change the conversation with scary talk.

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Who Cares About Kids With Cancer? And 10 Other Harry Reid Witticisms

Harry Reid’s remarks about kids with cancer weren’t the first time he’s said something that raised eyebrows.

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The Shutdown Negotiation Is Just Beginning

Today’s meeting isn’t going to resolve the shutdown. We should expect it to go all the way to the debt ceiling.

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Guess What? History Didn’t Begin The Day Obamacare Passed

When one party dictates every term of reform, the inevitable result is what we’re seeing today.

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