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Author: Noah Jackson


He’s Dead, All Right: Kennedy’s Last Rites Priest And The Making Of The News

“You don’t know anything,” a Secret Service agent told Father Oscar Huber as he was led out of Parkland Hospital on November 22, 1963. With the facts of the shooting yet to be established, the presidential security agency was scared. They worried confirmation of President John F. Kennedy’s death might lead to an attempt on …

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A New Birth of Freedom: Lincoln at Gettysburg

Abraham Lincoln realized Gettysburg must become the occasion of something which bordered on a national revival, a new birth of freedom.

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AbortionU.S. News

Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Theater

Closing clinics make for great headlines and more dramatic court briefs. But the media should be asking questions about what’s really going on.

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What Poker Teaches Us

While other forms of gambling are useful, none offers the opportunity to develop real world skills like poker.

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Richard Dawkins Is A Terrible Example For Atheists To Follow

Rather than advancing ideas, Richard Dawkins spends his days mocking the religious and setting an example for his young groupies that results in embittered, hollow, self-centered socialization.

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How Obamacare Accomplishes The Unthinkable

Obamacare may have accomplished something previously unthinkable: taking an issue where one party had a dominant hold on public opinion, and reversing it in favor of the opposing party.

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If Pelosi Thought Medicare Part D Was An ‘Embarrassment’ — What’s That Make Obamacare?

Savor the total hypocrisy of Democratic leaders raging against Medicare Part D as it was first being implemented.

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3 Reasons Why The Texas Abortion Regulation Ruling Is A Complete Mess

The recent federal district court ruling overturning a major provision of Texas’ new abortion law is a crime against logic. Here are 3 reasons why.

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Arts & CultureU.S. News

Banksy Is A Failure

As an artist, Banksy is a failure. He has confessed as much in his e-mail conversation with the Village Voice. His failure stems from his success.

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The Sexes

Fecundophobia: The Growing Fear Of Children And Fertile Women

Denigrating mothers of multiple children as brainless and inferior isn’t just misogynistic. Our enthusiastic embrace of low fertility rates is becoming a problem.

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