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Scott Galloway warns that young people are choosing to not participate in America anymore because older generations have let them down

Scott Galloway, the famous marketing teacher and co-host of the Pivot podcast, appeared on Morning Joe this week to discuss his latest book

Scott Galloway, the famous marketing teacher and co-host of the Pivot podcast, appeared on Morning Joe this week to talk about his new book, “The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security.”

Galloway talked about the difficulties young people face today and didn't hold back in blaming older generations for failing today’s youth – especially men.

“For the first time in our nation’s history, a 30-year-old man or woman isn’t doing as well as his or her parents were at 30. That is the social compact breaking down,” Galloway began, adding:

People aged 30 to 34, 60% of them in 1990 had one child. Now it’s 27%. People are opting out of America. They’re not optimistic about it. They’re not having kids. Young people aren’t having sex. They’re not meeting. They’re not mating. The pool of emotionally and economically viable men shrinks every day, which lessens household formation.

Galloway, who also wrote 2019’s “The Algebra of Happiness: Notes on the Pursuit of Success, Love, and Meaning” has been on a crusade of sorts to redefine modern masculinity and offer advice to young men struggling in the modern economy.

“So we have a real issue. Young people are enraged. So it turns every cut, every movement into an opportunistic infection because, quite frankly, they are just pissed off,” Galloway continued, adding:

They look up, they see wealth, exceptional wealth across my generation and people in certain industries, and they are really struggling. Their purchasing power is going down and the incumbents create artificial scarcity on campus.

We take pride in rejecting 90% of our applicants. So the incumbents who already have a degree so the degree, go up in value. We get very concerned with housing and traffic. Once we own the housing. Housing permits are sequestered from young people. Housing prices have gone from 290 to 420 in the last four years. So a young person, a house stocks that I don’t own skyrocket in value. Let’s have Covid relief and flush the markets and take assets way up because of a million people dying would be bad, would be tragic. If I got less wealthy and I were doing it on their credit card. Young people have every reason to be enraged. And every issue they see, they look up, they get angry, and they see someone doing better than them. And then every day it is speed balled in their face that they are failing, that they are not doing as well as everyone around them.

We have lost the script. Our kids are more anxious and more depressed and more obese and more addicted, and we have made a purposeful decision to let this happen by ensuring the people around this table stay wealthy at the cost of young people.

Watch the clip above via MSNBC.

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