Fox anchor Charles Payne got in an intense argument with fellow panelist Leslie Marshall during a debate over President Joe Biden’s gaffes.
During a Wednesday airing of Outnumbered, the panel discussed the significance of Biden’s memory gaffes in the upcoming election. Former President Donald Trump has used Biden’s age and public gaffes to claim he does not have the mental acuity to hold office.
Payne noted how “frustrating” it is that the “mainstream media” does not cover Biden’s mistakes, adding “Do you want your commander in chief to be someone who can’t even read off an index card?”
Marshall responded to Payne’s argument by claiming that she occasionally has made mistakes on-air by pointing out that she accidentally referred to the people of Palestine as the “people of Pakistan.” Her response prompted Payne to launch into a monologue calling her example “dumb” and “insulting.”
PAYNE: It always offends when people talk to me and us like we’re dumb, what you make is such a dumb example. We’re not talking about you or me or her making an occasional gaffe.
MARSHALL: I don’t think you’re dumb —
PAYNE: We’re talking about gaffe after gaffe after gaffe!
MARSHALL: I don’t appreciate you calling me dumb!
PAYNE: No, you’re not dumb! You’re insulting! Gaffe after gaffe after gaffe after gaffe!
She ended her response to Payne’s outburst by claiming, “I never said it was a one-off. What what I’m saying is, I think it’s normal for people to make gaffes. I use notes when I give speeches. I’m not running for president.”
Watch the clip above via Fox News.