Independent candidate for president and vocal opponent of vaccines Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Fox & Friends on Tuesday claiming that President Joe Biden was responsible for him not having Secret Service protection.
After Kennedy reiterated his assertions that Biden poses a greater threat to democracy than former President Donald Trump, who took steps to overturn the 2020 election and was indicted for related charges, he also reiterated his belief that Biden was using federal agencies to prevent him from being on the ballot and to deny him Secret Service protection:
If you have a president who can censor his political opponents, he is licensed for any kind of atrocity, that is a genuine threat to our democracy. I think, you know what President Trump said about, you know, questioning the election and, you know, and to the extent that he engaged in an effort to overthrow that, of course, that’s a threat to democracy, but it is not the worst threat. Undermining the First Amendment of our Constitution and then weaponizing the federal agencies, to get his opponents off the ballot. You know, in my case, I’ll just say particularly, denying me Secret Service protection. That’s never happened in history.
These claims have been proven false as recently as yesterday. As an independent candidate, Kennedy is not even eligible for Secret Service protection. Additionally, there is no proof that Biden was involved in “denying” Kennedy Secret Service protection. Instead of refuting the claim, the co-hosts of Fox & Friends delved into it:
Lawrence Jones: You think he’s behind that?
Kennedy: What?
Jones: Do you think Joe Biden is behind…?
Kennedy: Of course he is.
Brian Kilmeade: Does he know that your dad was assassinated?
Kennedy: He has a bust of my father behind him.
Kilmeade: So how does he sleep at night?
Kennedy: Well, I don’t know, but it’s not, it’s just not right. You know, all of this, the use of the courts, the use of prosecutors, the use of all these federal agencies to change our political landscape just is wrong, and we should be debating about it.
Watch the video above via Fox News.