Donald Trump’s former communications director Anthony Scaramucci quipped that the reason more Republicans don’t speak out against the former president is because they “don’t like death threats.”
Scaramucci appeared on Deadline White House with Nicolle Wallace on Thursday to discuss recent comments made by former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) that Trump tried to “scorch the Constitution” and would do it again if re-elected in 2024.
“You’ve been a part of something that I really appreciate,” Wallace said to Scaramucci. “You correct me if I get this wrong, but you seem to have tried to coax out of the corners or hiding some of the people who have been reluctant to enter the political fray, to offer their firsthand accounts of the danger that Donald Trump poses. Why is — and I have a little sense that that’s a very difficult, painstakingly diplomatic process — why is it so hard for some of these people to speak out? They’re some of the most alarmed people among us.”
“Well, they probably don’t like death threats, Nicolle,” Scaramucci said. “I think we can probably start there. So, I mean, that could be the number-one reason.” He continued:
But, ultimately, I think what the generals, it has to do with their respect for the dignity of the Constitution and not wanting to bring military leadership into the political fray. But at the end of the day, what Liz Cheney is saying is so true and is so alarming that if we don’t do it, I don’t know who will do it. And I’m certainly worried about everything that she is saying.
I just want to add one thing quickly. He will be way more organized this time. One of the reasons why that insurrection failed is that he didn’t have the organizational skills. He doesn’t have the executive management skills to run an insurrection properly. But he now has willing participants on that campaign that are way more organized than him. And so do not underestimate that and do not underestimate the effectiveness going forward if he should somehow win, which I predict he won’t.
Watch the clip above via MSNBC.